miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013

I am trying

"... another part of me is driven to try new adventures, and I still find that I want to push myself to new limits. If I were to think about it more carefully, I would say that I love the experience as much as I can of life. The physical adventures I've been involved in have added the pleasure I take in my business.

If I have refused to contemplate skidiving, hot air ballooning or crossing the Atlantic in a boat, I think my life will have duller for it. I never think I am going to die by accident. But if I were to die all I can say is that I was wrong, and the hardened realists who kept their feet on the ground are right, but at least I tried."

Richard Branson

lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

Vespa Desert

En noviembre nos enmarcamos en un Raid por el desierto de Marruecos en Vespa. Fue durísimo.
Toda la información y fotos del Raid la podréis encontrar en la siguiente dirección:

Porque no hay que detenerse, me repetía cada día, cuando pasaba por rios secos, montañas, trialeras y dunas. Porque eran horas de soledad y atención con climas no muy favorables. Porque era novato y con preparación casera. Porque el quinto puesto no significa nada, sino acabar cada día, cuidar tu moto y agradecer a los que confiaron en mí.